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Sova, Modular Device Combination Wireless Keyboard and Mousepad from ROCCAT

Saturday, June 14, 20140 comments

ROCCAT once again paved the way for future development and design of the devices and gaming accessories. After successfully presenting a series of mouse gaming, then recently it was the manufacturer of gaming peripherals back innovate with the release of an innovative gaming keyboard called Sova.

Innovation comes with a combination of keyboard and mousepad was designed specifically with extreme durability, to support the extreme gaming experience. Sova able to integrate smartphones, gaming accessories, and much more. Equipped with a battery life that is topnotch, and the legs of the reservoir surface soft palms that allow gamers to play for hours at home with him. In addition, a slide Mousepad (slides) on Rova (can be lengthened or shortened according to personal preferences of users) is also becoming one of the selling points Sova than previous gaming keyboard.

"Certainly, Sova is one powerful gaming device. In building it, we start from the selection of raw materials of high quality aluminum processing machines, and make Sova from there. We really want to make Sova feels very sturdy and left in the hands of gamers , "He continued," ... of course while maintaining the characteristics of comfort and ease of use ". Says René Korte, Roccat CEO. 

"Sova allows gamers to play PC games they love, comfortably and in the usual way they do when playing, in the middle of a neighborhood full of comfort and warmth of the family room. ROCCAT are excited to present this product to the gamers," 

Sova has been presented in prototype form at the E3 2014 event that became gamers paradise. For now Roccat still waiting for feedback from all the users and the media about the Sova in http://www.ownthecouch.gg/tablet/sova-mobile-feedback.html.
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