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Tips Checking Car Battery

Tuesday, January 13, 20150 comments

Is it normal condition of your car battery?
Knowing whether a car battery have been damaged or not functioning normally a tricky job.

If your car show one or two of the following signs, not automatic car battery having problems.
However, if more and more signs that appear on your car, quite likely occur irregularities in the battery.

Here's how to check if your car battery is normal or not.
1. Battery Indicator Light
Check the indicator lights on the dashboard of the car. Most cars have an indicator light that indicates whether the battery is normal or not.
If the life of the battery is nearing the end, the indicator light may blink or remain lit.
Battery warning light that lights do not always indicate a dead car battery. But this could be an early sign of irregularities in the battery or car's electrical system.
Consult a car battery to the shop that you trust, to find the exact cause the indicator light.

2. Electrical Problems
Observe the electrical systems on the car, including the lights, radio, fuel injection system, and heating or air conditioning.
When the condition of the battery starts to decline, all the functions of the electrical system above will also decrease.
Similarly, a growing number of electrical items are on, the more difficult car to distarter.
If the radio was on, but the car does not, you may need to recharge or replace your car battery.

3. Cars Can not distarter
If your car can not or difficult distarter, this could be a sign of a problem with the car battery.
When turning the ignition key and sounded like a click, it is a strong indicator that the car battery is having problems.
Try to start the car with the help of jumper cables. If the car still would not start, most likely your car battery was dead.

4. Age Aki
Learn about the life of your car battery. Most car battery ages ranged from two to five years.
If your car battery has aged five years or more and the car show symptoms as listed above, your car battery may have to be replaced.
Problem in the battery can also be caused by a rare car ignited. Rarely start the car can significantly shorten the life of the battery.
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